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T E R M S . O F . S E R V I C E


  • When you order a commission you'll be automatically added to the waitinglist.

    I'll do my best to finish your request as soon as possible.
    Sometimes I can be faster, sometimes I can't.

    If you have a specific deadline please mention it in the email.

  • When I start your commission, I'll send you a sketch. If it's ok I'll ask the payment and then I continue the drawing. 

    In case you'd like to receive more previews about your commission's progress, let me know and we can keep in contact for that. In any case you can check my Trello with constant updates of what I'm working on.

  • If I don't feel comfortable with a commission, I will reject it.

    It wouldn't be right from me to promise I can do something if I'm not confident I can do it.

  • Consider that may be slight differences of style in my gallery works, because of style evolving. Some may be old and some recent. 

    I always work with the best I can to provide you a quality drawing, not only to make you satisfied but for myself as well.

  • If you have dissatisfaction or you'd like me to make some changes to your request, don't have fear to ask. 

    Is much more better if these happen in the "sketch stage" since is easier for me to apply changes than in the "final stage" when the drawing is almost finished.

  • I reserve the right to sell commissions as parts of my portfolio.

    The owner of characters will always be mentioned in the credits. 


  • The prices are in EUR and I accept payments only with PayPal, and will be made by invoice that I will send you.

  • It is preferable you make the payment within 24h after receiving the invoice, but for any eventuality or problem, don't hesitate to let me know and we can find an agreement. Otherwise you'll lose your slot.

  • A refound is possible only if I haven't started to work your commission yet and you're not content with the sketch.
    Once I've reached the "basic colors stage", I won't make any refound.

  • PayPall fees are already included in the price so you don't have to worry about that.
    I won't charge you more than is already listed.

  • Partial payment is available for total over 150€. 50% of the value has to be payed on front so you can keep your slot in the waiting list.
    The remaining 50% has to be paid after the commission is finished but before delivery.

  • Rush order can be made for an additional 50% fee of the total price and your commission will jump at the top of the waiting list. I reserve the right to decline if I’m too busy.

  • Filling a chargeback against me leads to the total loss of the rights you have on my works, with no more possibility of buying from me and you'll be part of the blacklist.

  • Your name will be exposed publicly to my choice, accompanied by complaints and/or explanations about the incident so that the community is alerted of your behaviour.


  • I, the artist hold every right to the produced artwork
    - I'm allowed to use the artwork to promote myself and to display it anywhere

       on internet and real life (always crediting the owner of the characters)

  • You, the commissioner are allowed to
    - Use the artwork in any way as long is for personal use only
    - Repost the artwork on other sites with proper credits back to my profile.
       I will deeply appreciate if you use a low quality version of the artwork.
    - Make merchandise for your own personal use but not to make profit from them
    - Claim the right of the original character if is yours, but not the artwork itself

    You, are not allowed to
    - Edit, modifiy, trace or use my artworks without permission
    - Make any profit by using or reproducing the artwork commercially
    - Remove my watermarks / signatures

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